The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong

Chapter 2

The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong

Cheng Zi berkata: Sulit untuk terbang di siang hari dan tidur di malam hari… Adik junior penasaran: kenapa kamu perlu tidur setelah naik? Kakak tertua menjawab: Karena dia membantu orang lain naik, dia sendiri masih manusia biasa. Kakak tertua yang akan melewati masa kesusahan dalam satu detik

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The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong
The Second Brother is Mortal but Very Strong

Cheng Zi berkata: Sulit untuk terbang di siang hari dan tidur di malam hari… Adik junior penasaran: kenapa kamu perlu tidur setelah naik? Kakak tertua menjawab: Karena dia membantu orang lain naik, dia sendiri masih manusia biasa. Kakak tertua yang akan melewati masa kesusahan dalam satu detik



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